My Husband Is NOT Perfect

My husband is not perfect. Do I get mad at him?

Of course!

Do I not want to talk to him sometimes?


Do we fight?

Of course! It’s a marriage.

Do I love him?

With my whole heart!

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Do two individuals agree on everything? Do two different people have the same opinion always? Nope, it doesn’t happen. But what is important is to not give up on each other. Instagram and Facebook may make a person’s life look perfect and glamorous but, we all have our struggles. We vowed to marry our significant other for better or for worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer. We gotta make these words count. I recently heard a statistic that a married couple in Orange County, CA have a 78% chance of getting a divorce. That’s nuts! We have a better chance of getting a divorce than staying married :/

Obviously if a relationship wants a chance at making it, both parties need to agree to work on themselves to stay together. Something that was not obvious at first but, that I have learned is that helping others is the best way to help a relationship and oneself .

I’m not a writer (as you can tell) and I do not have some emotionally moving quote from Gandhi to give you. What I do know is that no matter what, when you help someone in need, your heart will be fuller and happier.  And if you help someone with the person you love, then your relationship can go places it never could have before.

Am I perfect?

Of course not.

Is my husband?


Who is?

But we have found something together that makes life beautiful, and is part of the glue that holds our relationship together.

Living in Orange County, I feel like you always gotta be keeping up with the Jones’ family. Who has the biggest house, who has the most expensive car, who has the hottest wife…  Pretty sure this is the mentality of a lot of people  in Orange County. Hey hey, calm down if you disagree. I said most. Not everyone. Why does society make us think like this? When we die we can’t take all this junk with us, so why has it become so important?

When I die, I hope I have a sell out crowd at my funeral. But I don’t want them saying meaningless things like, I had a pretty home, a cool car and took great vacations…but that I helped them in some meaningful way in their life. I hope that I helped them through a tough time by listening and being compassionate, maybe being able to support them financially, or letting them stay at our house in hard times.

My husband helped show me what is important in life. If it were not for him,  would have never done half the things that I have. I love that my husband has shown me how to “make deposits”.  Deposits into heaven that is. Although in the beginning I didn’t always feel this way, he never gave up on me. For years when we dated he invited me to church on Sunday. I would always say no and he would go alone. He never threatened that, “I would go to Hell” or that “Jesus didn’t love me”. He let me come around when I felt it was time. I did finally end up in church because I lost a bet and had to go to church as payment lol! But, that first time I went, I loved it! Did I tell him? OF COURSE NOT! Hahaha! Being stubborn, I could not let him know that I felt something. Did the message get to me? Nope. Did someone in the crowd have a compelling story? Nope. It was the worship music! When that music played I felt something I have never felt before. Peace and love. I had never listened to Christian music before,  but I LOVED what I was hearing.

This is a picture of a band that I like. This is Slipknot. They have a song called “snuff” that makes me struggle to hold back tears. Actually…I like a lot of music that involves screaming ha.

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Then I can listen to “The stand” by Hillsong or “10,000 reasons” by Matt Redman and struggle to hold back tears.

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Music speaks to me. I literally love every genre of music. I would say that I didn’t like country until my hubby showed me some incredible songs.

I hated country yet this song makes me lose it every time. “Bless the broken road” by Rascal Flatts.

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Bottom line is that my husband did not give up on me and  helped save me, and I am truly so grateful for my life. My husband, one random trip to Mexico and The Peavy family changed everything.

Back to the “deposits” into heaven. After becoming a believer, I learned something new! You are encouraged to “tithe” :/

WHAT!?!?!?! I should be GIVING ten percent of my hard-earned money AWAY?!?! I thought he was nuts!

Who does that?

Apparently many people!

What in the world?

The craziest part is that when you do tithe, donate, or help someone, you don’t tell people! I asked him, “What do you mean? When you do something nice you have to post that ish on social media! Why? To show everyone how nice and compassionate you are. Right?

My husband taught me to give when no one is looking. He taught me that the Bible says to give with out your left hand knowing what your right hand is doing. What he means by this is, do something for someone without letting others know. If you are helping people, just for the thrill of others seeing, it is still good, but it doesn’t count as a “deposit”.  God isn’t interested if you give just to be showy. He wants you to give with your heart. No one needs to know about that. It is between you and the Lord.

When Cole (my husband) and I choose to give to others, we call it our deposit into Heaven. Nobody needs to know about it except Jesus. You can give 1% or 99% of your income like Rick Warren! Can you imagine giving 99% of your yearly income away?!?! Hot damn you could help so many people! And when I say giving, I’m not only talking about money.

When we die we can’t take our house, cars, fancy shoes and purses with us (I still struggle with leaving behind my shoes and purses lol!) We can’t take anything with us. All we will have are those deposits into Heaven and the time we spend doing what the Lord has asked us to do here on Earth. Love others. It’s not that hard.

When you die, will you be happy with what you’ve done here on Earth? You don’t even have to believe in God or to be religious to agree with this. When you have helped someone in your life you can’t say that you didn’t get a warm and fuzzy feeling.

I’m a Christian. You might be another religion. You might believe in whatever you want, or believe in nothing at all! Bottom line is that we all know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, love and hate, compassion and coldness. We should all focus on being a good person with our lives.

I am writing in hopes of someone reading this and that they choose to (as my husband always says) “make their money matter. Don’t tip toe through life and arrive at your grave safely. Do something on this Earth that matters.”

Perhaps you can’t give financially at this time. That’s fine! You have things WAY more valuable that money! Give your time and your love to another that needs it. Go to a soup kitchen, play board games with the elderly, go help in a natural disaster, help build a home for the homeless, hold a baby in the NICU with no parents. Your love and time could be the greatest gift to another.

When my husband is bummed about something or getting sucked into the Orange County lifestyle, I vowed to help recharge his spirit. When he or I are having a hard time we know we need to go serve together. A couple that serves others together will bond in a special way. Here is an example of something easy to do that always brings my husband and I back together.


Put a few bags together for the homeless.  Fill it up with whatever you can and just go have a conversation with someone on the street. Ask them their story. They are so grateful for the bag of goodies, but they love having someone to talk to. Yes, some have mental problems, some have addictions to overcome however, they all want to be loved, need some compassion, and want to be heard.

Fill a bag with something simple.


If you can afford a little more then add some food.

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Our favorite way to get around on the street is riding our skateboards. Carry the bags in your hands or if you can, stuff them in a backpack. Our last set of bags included this:



-Hand Wipes


-First Aid Kit

-Toothbrush and Toothpaste



-Candy Bars



-Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

-Deli Sandwich




-String Cheese

-Fruit Snacks

-Protein Bar



-Breakfast Bars

-Jacket or Umbrella’s if cold season

So…my husband is not perfect. He can drive me absolutely insane at times BUT, he has shown me how to live life to the fullest. Don’t get me wrong, we do have nice things. We work very hard. You should enjoy your life. Cole reminds me though, that the fancy stuff isn’t important. He reminds me to give with my heart and to love others.

So, since we know that no one is perfect, relationships are hard, and for those of us that are married the odds are not in our favor, we need to set time aside to do meaningful things together for others if we want to make it.

I hope that when I get to those white pearly gates one day, that I can look the Lord in the face and say, I truly lived my life the best I could. I used my gifts to their fullest potentials to help the kingdom. That I loved people and gave back unconditionally, and that I made Him proud.

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30 thoughts on “My Husband Is NOT Perfect”

  1. Kathelyze Trejo says:

    You guys inspire me!! Love you three and I’m incredibly proud of you!!!!

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      Love you lady! And I’m so proud of YOU! You are a part of this story. I am who I am because of the experience in Mexico too! Love You!

      1. Maria says:

        Hi, the story is amazing.
        Im from Florida, Miami and I was searching Cole’s name online because today I was in Fort Lauderdale seminar listening to Cole and I was searching for more information about the seminar and about him , today he shared his story remembering his 2 best friends and I couldn’t stop crying and imagine about those families and his suffered, I think I just road a comment from Steve’s mom and I was shocked to find all this after coming from the seminar.
        Every day he showed us a picture of you and he speaks about how wonderful you are 😉 Also he showed us your beautiful daughter.
        I just realized that you and him are Christians like me and my husband and I absolutely know how you felt that first day in church listening to the music.
        I would love to start my deposits with my husband soon.
        Thank you for sharing, beautiful family 😉

        1. Sanja Hatter says:

          Thank you for this commment! You brought such a smile to my face 🙂

        2. Sanja Hatter says:

          I LOVE this message!! Thank you for sharing Maria <3

  2. katrina says:

    I So0o0 loved this post! You guys are awesome! Def will be following some of your ideas and making some “deposits”

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      Awww thanks girl!

  3. Erin S says:

    Thank you for this!

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      Thank you for taking the time to read it 🙂

  4. Leah says:

    Beautiful blog lady! You and cole have always been amazing! Personally I was inspired by both of you each event! Thank you for the reminder that I often forget to give back!

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      Thanks so much girl! Loved working with you. Love all your posts with your family 🙂

  5. Dee Dockery says:

    Very inspirational!

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      THANK you!!!

  6. Andra Marie Mueller says:

    So proud to call you guys family…such a lovely message 🙂

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      Love you Andra!

  7. Leslye Hansen says:

    Sanja, you inspire me to be a better person!! The love you share with others is so beautiful ! So true on deposits in Heaven and I can’t wait to see my SMB❤️ When Steve was in Jr High we served at the soup kitchen through our church. What he loved most about it was meeting a tall man in a tattered suit and just talking with him. (And we all know Steve had the gift of gab) WOW! As a mom I was so proud to see him helping others and loving it !!Another deposit for him was seeing a homeless man behind the grocery store. We were heading into Bakers Square for dinner. Steve orders a sandwich. He never ordered a sandwich !!!! He eats a few bites and says he’s full and wants to take the rest to go. On our way out he walks over and sets his sandwich next to the sleeping homeless man. Of course I cried and hugged my beautiful boy. So proud of him and his deposits. Maybe he knew something I didn’t know ? Anyways sorry for the long message I just thought I would share about my Stepehen and his love for others. Proud Mama misses her Angel !

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      I love you Leslye!

  8. Danika says:

    Such a great post. Thanks for sharing sanja! Love you and your fam.

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      Danika you are amazing and love how you support me. I’m your biggest fan as well!

  9. Berta Esquivel says:

    I absolutely love this! Great job woman! I must see you again. Xxoo

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      🙂 Thank you Berta!

  10. Angela Campolongo says:

    Thank you for sharing this part of your story. I agree it is about giving not receiving. I re dedicated my life to the Lord 5 years ago and it has been one beautiful journey of ups and downs. I have finally surrendered my calling to the Lord as I want his perfect will for my life. I recently quit my job out of faith to try to attempt to open up a business so that one day I can be a bank account for Gods Glory. I hate seeing people have needs at my church and around me and I can’t give to them because my finances aren’t in order. I believe God is ultimately calling me to motivational speaking for broken women who don’t value themselves even that I have ran from it for so long I know deep in my heart that’s what God wants from me. I have a pretty crazy testimony so I understand women and why they lose their worth. I have been single for 5 years and I’m praying for God to bless me with a God fearing man to add to my life and be a force for the kingdom to bring his glory onto earth. So thank you to you and your husband for showing me it can be done to have God bless your finances because he knows the depths of your hearts is to give. It gives me hope that even that I’m struggling a bit now one day all this could change if I just keep being the giver I am even with the little I have. I know God sees my heart and that is what matters. I pray God continues to bless you in every area of your life and protect you from all harm. God bless you both and your kids

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      I am so proud of you Angela! And thank you so much 🙂

  11. Devona says:

    Loved everything about this post!!

    1. Sanja Hatter says:

      🙂 Thanks girl!

  12. Bud says:

    Great website Sanya! You’re right nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws. I’ve spent my life helping others accomplish things and do things the never imagined they could do. I was taught by my father as a child, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, nothing is impossible. Just make a plan and work the plan. If I hear or see someone having difficulties doing something, I stop and ask if I can help? It makes me feel good knowing I made someone happy and feel like they have accomplished something. I don’t ask for money for my deeds. Like you and Cole have said, it’s a deposit for heaven. I’ve been to the other side twice in my life, spoke to God, and he said I had to come back to complete something before I could stay in Heaven. So everyday, I wake up and look for the positive things in life, things that make me happy. And when I’m happy , I’m usually doing things for others to help them and put a smile on their face. I’ve known Sanya for over 7 years now, I have never really sat down with Cole to have a chat, but as a couple, they are truly unique! They were made for each other! I hope one day I will find that special someone that compliments my personality and thoughts. It’s a rarity these days because people are so self absorbed and narcissistic, and don’t consider their fellow man, and the struggles they are going thru in life. If everyone would take a moment and look around you, you would see the real world, not the artificial one created by Facebook and Instagram, that makes life perfect in every way. Just knowing Sanya over the years, she is what she presents herself as. She will light up a room when entering, not trying to, but just by smiling, and being who she is. And Cole is a major part of that! I feel very honored to be able to consider Sanya a friend in my life. She knows my story and my struggles thru life and how I have always helped others. I’m 61 years old, and I’m starting my life over again, from scratch. Moving to another state, away from California for the first time in my life. When I get there , I won’t have a dollar to my name, but I have family that wants me to be there with them, and find happiness with work and in life. I hope I can repeat what Cole has accomplished in his life, starting with nothing and being where he is today! We’ll see how it goes! But both Cole and Sanya are a great model to copy in life. I wish them all the Love and Happiness God has to offer! I know its been a blessing to me to know them in my life! Thank you Buddy!

    1. Bud says:

      Dust in my eyes Buddy! :)…..

      1. Sanja Hatter says:


    2. Sanja Hatter says:

      <3 This is amazing! Thank you

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